Counselor Burnout Inventory
CBI dimension Questions
Due to my job as a counselor, I feel tired most of the time.
I feel exhausted due to my work as a counselor.
Due to my job as a counselor, I feel overstressed.
Due to my job as a counselor, I feel tightness in my back and shoulders.
I feel I am an incompetent counselor.
I feel frustrated by my effectiveness as a counselor.
I am not confident in my counseling skills.
I do not feel like I am making a change in my clients.
negative work environment
I am treated unfairly in my workplace.
I feel negative energy from my supervisor.
I feel bogged down by the system in my workplace.
I feel frustrated with the system in my workplace.
Experiencing Burnout?
If you find yourself answering these prompts with “often true” or “always true”, these may be areas of concern for you.
Devaluing Client
I am not interested in my clients and their problems.
I have become callous toward clients.
I have little empathy for my clients.
I am no longer concerned about the welfare of my clients.
Deterioration in personal life
My relationships with family members have been negatively impacted by my work as a counselor.
I feel like I do not have enough time to engage in personal interests.
I feel I do not have enough time to spend with my friends.
I feel I have poor boundaries between work and my personal life.
About the CBI
This inventory was developed by Sang Min Lee and colleagues to specifically measure burnout in counselors. The researchers were also determined to create an inventory that considered organizational influences on burnout. Please review the explanation of each dimension below, including the final two which distinguish this inventory from others such as the MBI.
Structure of Inventory
20 items
5 Subscales
both physical and emotional exhaustion are measured
similar to the MBI-HSS emotional exhaustion subscale/dimension
internal feelings of incompetence measured
attitude or perception of relationships with client measured
similar to the MBI-HSS depersonalization subscale/dimension
attitude and feelings towards work environment measured
not previously
Bardhoshi et al., 2019
Lee et al., 2007